Survivor io Evolution and Skill Guide 2024
Are you worried about which skills to choose to win the battle in, then don’t worry anymore because, in the Survivor io Evolution and Skill guide, we told you about all the unique skills.
As you know, is a game in which zombies have taken over the entire city. They spread fear in the city due to their power, and you have to fight with them to save the city, which requires special skills. skill guide will help you to win the battle. We have told you, with the help of this article, how you can upgrade and use them in the game.
Skills Evolution in
In, skills are an important component of every fight. When they are level after collecting energy from slain opponents or with chests that drop defeated monsters, You’ll get these mainly as special attacks (active skills) or passive buffs (passive skills). You can acquire a maximum of six active and six passive skills during a fight that will help you win. We’ll cover all the information in this Survivor io Evolution and Skill guide that will help you choose skills in combat and defeat enemies.
How to get Survivor io Evolution and Skill
When a battle begins, you only have one active skill attached to your weapon. Further expertise can be acquired in two ways. Either by leveling up your survivor during battle by collecting the energy dropped by enemies when they die or as loot from chests dropped by monsters when they are defeated.
Taking your Survivor to the next level
You will be given a choice of three randomly selected skills at each level, from which you must choose one to add to your clan.
When you loot a chest, you’ll get 1, 3, or 5 randomly selected talents to add to your Survivor.
How to Upgrade Skills in Survivor io APK
Any skills you gain during combat will start at level 1 with a weak effect. Each skill must be leveled to increase its power significantly. This requires you to level up your survivor by selecting an existing skill and getting duplicates from the RNG in the chest. The highest level for active skills is 6, while the highest level for passive skills is 5. Level 6, also known as “Evo”, transforms into a new form with powerful abilities.
You will need to do one more thing to raise an active skill to its EVO level. That is, to raise an active skill from level 5 to evo, you need a level 1 passive skill for each active skill.
Evolution Skills list in
Weโve listed each ability in the skill guide, the first being the active skill and the second being the passive skill, which you can level up by discovering chests or leveling up your survivor.
Magnetic Rebounder Evo Skill
Boomerang + High Power
Two active and passive skills that spin around players to protect them and throw boomerangs to kill enemies.
Pressure Forcefield Evo Skill
Forcefield + Energy Drink
This skill helps damage enemies and creates a force field around the player that pushes them backward.
Dumbbell Evo Skill
Brick + Fitness Guide
To damage opponents, it throws eight dumbbells in an open circle away from the player, damaging enemies as they pass through them.
Sharkmaw Gun Evo Skill
RPG + HE Fuel
It fires a large missile at enemies, dealing massive damage.
Caltrops Evo Skill
Durian + HE Fuel
To defeat Enemies, a large ball filled with spikes is thrown, dealing heavy damage to enemies.
Death Ray Evo Skill
Laser Launcher + Energy Cube
Fires a barrage of lasers from the edges of the screen that rapidly rotate in the direction of the player, damaging opponents in the process.
Inferno Bomb Evo Skill
Modular Mine + Molotov
This skill helps to set up proximity mines, which explode to damage enemies and lay down piles of fire that cause heavy damage to enemies.
Thunderbolt Bomb Evo Skill
Modular Mine + Lightning Emitter
They create proximity mines on the ground to damage the area, which ignites lightning bolts and delivers heavy fire when triggered.
Whistling Arrow Evo Skill
Drill Shot + Ammo Thruster
It summons an arrow that flies across the battlefield quickly. Due to its DPS, effectively damages fodder enemies and opponents.
Defender Evo Skill
Guardian + Exo-Bracer
This is the perfect skill for AoE and crowd control that summons six large spinning tops that spin around the player, quickly knocking enemies back and dealing light damage.
Destroyer Evo Skill
Type A Drone + Type B Drone
It summons a permanent drone equipped with highly effective and devastating homing missiles capable of inflicting maximum damage on enemies, so the player must approach them.
Divine Destroyer Evo Skill
Destroyer + Medi-Drone
A skill that needs to be developed in the game is that, like Mediron, creates an area of healing and has devastating attributes.
Quantum Ball Evo Skill
Soccer Ball + Sports Shoes
To damage opponents, it throws balls across the field that move quickly and deal damage to enemies.
Supercell Evo Skill
Lightning Emitter + Energy Cube
This Destroyer fires bolts of electricity that attack opponents while targeting them, releasing six shockwaves that damage the enemy.
Fuel Barrel Evo Skill
Molotov + Oil Bond
The outer spirals launch fuel barrels that release massive blue flames after scattering on the ground, damaging enemies as they cross.
Gloom Nova Evo Skill
Void Power + Exo-Bracer
It creates black holes that pull enemies in and damage them. These later disperse and remain behind a shield dome that prevents the player from entering to protect the player from opponents.
Demon Blade Evo Skill
Katana + Ronin Oyoroi
The player fires powerful waves of blades at opponents to damage the enemy and defeats the opponents.
Eternal Light Evo Skill
Light Chaser + Ronin Oyoroi
The player slashes twice with the strong sword to deal a lot of damage to enemies, and as long as the player is in front of the enemy, the slashes become faster enough to deal damage.
Gatling Gun Evo Skill
Shotgun + Hi-Power Bullet
A white arrow-pointing weapon facing your character, with its tight spread and rapid rate of fire, allows the player to deal damage to opponents standing far away.
Spirit Shuriken Evo Skill
Kunai + Koga Ninja Scroll
Tosses a powerful shuriken that effectively damages nearby enemies.
Reaper Evo Skill
Revolve + Hi-Power Bullet
The character can fire up to 12 bullets in the direction they are facing before stopping, reloading, and then starting the battle again, with each bullet doing a lot of damage.
If you also want to defeat the opponents in the mod APK game, then this article tells you about all the Skills with the help of which you can win the battle against the enemies. skill guide will help you to choose the best skills in the game, and you will be able to win the fight easily because skills are an important part of the fight.
Check out the guide, tips, and tricks to enhance your gaming experience.